Friday, April 13, 2012

Dreams of lovers past and present

GiGi woke from her nap disoriented and aroused. She had been dreaming of a lover who was gentle yet assertive. In her dream this man had had no shape; but upon waking she was sure that he was some magical combination of her former lover and her present. Though the two men could not have been more physically different. Where the former was soft and round with the thighs of a woman and fingers like sausages, her current lover was lean, with an ass of pure muscle,  and fingers that had the deft dexterity of a guitar player. Perhaps it was their similar temperaments that melded them together in her mind. Both were significantly older than her, they were both avid readers, and skilled lovers; albeit in vastly different ways. Each in his own way was capable of reducing her to a puddle of pure desire.

This visit to Florida had brought memories of her former lover to the forefront of her mind. They had been here many times together and the landmarks of the city were now imbued with dual meaning. In bathrooms, and dark alleys, in her car or on the street, he could fuck her, finger her, spank her, and tease her and she always wanted more. The soft tones of his accent could drive her into a frenzy as he commanded her to remove her panties in the middle of a crowded mall.  GiGi was frustrated, she wanted to be wanted that way again. Her Brazilian lover had kept her in such a state of constant arousal that he could take her whenever he wanted and so he did.

She was beginning to feel that way about her current lover. She knew that with just a little push on his part he could exert over her that same level of dominance. This left her torn. Part of GiGi craved the sweet surrender of submission, but another part of her rebelled at any level of control that extended beyond the bedroom door. It was this paradoxical desire that was the central question of her sex life.